Repairing Cracks In Thermalite Blocks Price

The render on your house has cracked due to a number of reasons, it could of been done in poor weather, or not enough mechanical key. In my experience you can take of the damaged parts and patch in, but personally I would take it all off and start again, making sure that a good key is achieved in the scratch coat (1st coat of render). Cracks in Brick Walls &: Foundations - How to recognize, diagnose, & repair or prevent brick wall or foundation cracks due to thermal expansion Factors that determine the extent of thermal expansion damage to a brick wall or structure Absence of control joints or expansion joints in long brick walls leads to extensive cracking damage Photographs of foundation damage patterns and types of. But mortar can crumble with age, and cracks that allow moisture in could eventually cause structural damage. That's why it's important to periodically assess and repair mortar joints or the spaces between the cinder blocks. This process of adding new mortar to the joints is also called repointing.

What Are the Symptoms of Engine Block Failure?

A cracked engine block can cause a range of problems. Ultimately, since the circulation system that cools the engine is comparatively fragile, a cracked engine block will lead to coolant leaking out of the area it is needed and leaving the engine to overheat. If left untreated, this will lead to engine failure and may result in the vehicle having to be written off. A cracked engine block can result in:

  • Oil and antifreeze mixing
  • Engine overheating
  • Low engine compression
  • Excessive engine smoke
  • Visible crack in block

How Much Will Engine Block Repair Cost at a Garage?

A failure in the engine block will leave you stranded and more often than not facing a huge repair bill (at least $1,200, probably more). The cost of repairing a cracked engine block can vary considerably depending on the garage you visit, the severity of the crack and the car you drive. The technique used to repair the crack can also affect the total and you may have to weigh up the sense in repairing it when it may be more cost-effective to buy a new engine or even a new car.

Can K-Seal Fix My Engine Block?

K-Seal will permanently repair most engine block failures including:

  • Engine coolant leaks
  • Cracked engine blocks
  • Porous blocks
  • Core plug or freeze plug failure

With a replacement block costing thousands, it’s well worth trying to fix the problem with K-Seal before going down this route. K-Seal will seal the cracks in engine blocks that cause coolant leaks, to get you back on the road and save you a small fortune.

Want to get hold of a bottle to fix your engine block? Use our simple stockist search facility and get back on the road – fast.

What Is an Engine Block?

The engine or cylinder block is the key component of an internal combustion engine, where the power to drive the vehicle is generated by igniting a fuel/air mixture to produce an explosion.

How Does an Engine Block Work?

The engine block performs a number of functions, including assisting with the pumping of water from the radiator to the different parts of the engine to cool them down; housing pistons in several cylinders that move the vehicle’s crankshaft; sealing in the lubricating oil via the oil pan attached to the bottom, and acting as the housing for the various valves, gaskets and seals that work together to keep the engine and the car as a whole running safely.

Why Do Engine Blocks Fail?

Heat is the primary enemy of the engine block. If it overheats, the metal will become stressed and will eventually fail, leading to a crack.

Another problem is the porous engine block, which is often the result of a casting defect at the manufacturing stage. This affects certain engines, most notoriously the old V8 used in Range Rovers before they were fitted with BMW engines.

Could Other Parts of My Engine Be Affected?

Although your engine block could be the source of your engine troubles, it might not be the only component you need to take a look at. Select an engine part in the interactive diagram below to explore your engine and the important components that keep everything ticking over.

Click on the engine components below for detailsMore Info »

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We recently had a conservatory built (during very wet and cold weather), last week I noticed a vertical hairline crack running from top to bottom on one wall (wall is 4.5M wide). when the render was tapped it sounded hollow or live. Working with a small screwdriver of part of the crack a 2.5M x 1.5M section of render simply fell off and the whole of this wall sounds live although the other two walls seem sound. It can now be seen that the uniform hairline crack goes the entire height of the wall and there appears to be another starting about a meter further down. I called the company back and they are sending the builder to have a look before they have it re-rendered. I understand that thermalite can shrink and crack as the blocks were saturated when laid. Question is what is the correct procedure now?

There are three hairline cracks running the entire height of the wall from damp-course to the leaded top of the wall, nothing below the damp-course which is concrete block. The cracks are even top to bottom and are less than a millimetre in width. The was just one crack visible before the render came off then two more are revealed but the render over these was not effected.

The wall was built and rendered in February when the weather was both wet and cold but not at frost conditions, the blocks were saturated and since the wall faces South the unusually hot sun this year has pitched on the wall for about ten hours each day.

The builder has said he will do whatever is necessary to remedy it but doesn’t seem too sure as to how to proceed. I have suggested that he angle grinds a half inch gap along the crack and then fill with a expanding joint mastic of some sort – not sure if this is the right way to go, then finally PVA the wall and re-render.


4 Answers from MyBuilder Bricklayers

Best Answer


is a thermal shock
due to warm and cold water you must use elastic and heat resistant material


Answered 12th Aug 2018


Yes blocks do crack in extreme weather.i would take off render.put mesh on then render.never crack again.even if blockwork cracked.


Answered 12th Aug 2018


Hack it all off and dot and dab. Thermalite and hardwall dont mix


Answered 13th Aug 2018



Thermalite Blocks

If the render appeared ‘live’ before falling off, it is the bond between block and render that is at fault. Possibly caused by a combination of excessively wet block (although rendering wet blocks can be ok) and an overly weak mix. If it was cold during the build and the render was affected you frost, this could also account for problems.

I would take issue with ‘.....blocks do crack in extreme weather....’ speak to any block manufacturer for clarification of this.

Occasionally a block WALL may crack in extremely dry conditions if it’s foundation bears on highly plastic soil, and this shrinks due to reduced moisture content (dry summers/demand from proximal vegetation). I have never known a single BLOCK to crack -50<T<50 degrees C.

I would advise against simply meshing and rendering if there is a prob with the blockwork. You do not state wether the crack is in the block as well as the render. If the blocks are cracked, there could be an issue with the footing. Crack wider at the top?

If you give me a bit more info. I’d be happy to advise how you should deal with the installer


Repairing Cracks In Thermalite Blocks Price Per Block

Answered 23rd Aug 2018

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