Arduino 1.6.9

Download the previous version of the current release the classic Arduino 1.0.x, or the Arduino 1.5.x Beta version. All the Arduino 00xx versions are also available for download. The Arduino IDE can be used on Windows, Linux (both 32 and 64 bits), and Mac OS X. Installing ATtiny support in older versions of Arduino. If you’re using an older (1.0.x) version of the Arduino software (e.g. 1.0.6), you’ll need to download and install the ATtiny files manually. Note that the ATtiny’s work best with the newer, 1.6.x, versions of the Arduino software. Arduino 1.6.9 with Teensyduino's Modifications. This copy of Arduino includes the Java code changes added to the IDE by the Teensyduino installer. Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple I/O board and a development environment that implements the Processing/Wiring language. Open-source electronic prototyping platform enabling users to create interactive electronic objects. This part is based on Arduino 1.6.9 under Windows 10. First of all, you need to Install an Arduino Software. Launch the Arduino application.

- Sun May 29, 2016 2:45 am#48188 I have connected a DS1307 Real-time clock module to a WeMOS D1 Mini via the I2C bus and (using 1.6.5 and 2.10rc2) have had 2 test programs working properly to set the clock and another to read the clock.
I have upgraded to 1.6.9 and 2.2.0 and get some weird errors without changing any of the code.
I have the line #include <DS1307RTC.h> at the top of the code (interestingly the name does not highlight in red as all the other header names do). This header pulls in Time.h and Wire.h.
Now, it doesn't matter whether I explicitly #include <Time.h> or not, I get errors saying that the type tmElements_t has not been declared WHICH IS DEFINITELY DECLARED IN Time.h - BTW I get no messages saying that Time.h cannot be found.
BUT if I copy the typedef from Time.h and paste it at the top of the .ino file, those error messages go away.
Further down in my .ino file I use a macro tmYearToCalendar(Y) which is also declared in Time.h and which is now reported as not declared when I compile my .ino file.
So I copy and paste the macro into my .ino file and - I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! now the compiler is again reporting that the tmElements_t type has not been declared when there is the declaration at the top on the .ino file.
Below is the .ino file. Let me know if you also want to see the libraries involved. If so, I'll try to zip them up and attach them to a post.
// #include <Wire.h>
// #include <Time.h>
#include <DS1307RTC.h>
typedef struct {
uint8_t Second;
Arduino uint8_t Minute;
uint8_t Hour;
uint8_t Wday; // day of week, sunday is day 1
uint8_t Day;
uint8_t Month;
uint8_t Year; // offset from 1970;
} tmElements_t, TimeElements, *tmElementsPtr_t;
// #define tmYearToCalendar(Y) ((Y) + 1970) // full four digit year
void setup() {
while (!Serial) ; // wait for serial
Serial.println('DS1307RTC Read Test');
void loop() {
tmElements_t tm;
if ( {
Serial.print('Ok, Time = ');
Serial.print(', Date (D/M/Y) = ');
} else {
if (RTC.chipPresent()) {
Serial.println('The DS1307 is stopped. Please run the SetTime');
Serial.println('example to initialize the time and begin running.');
} else {
Serial.println('DS1307 read error! Please check the circuitry.');
void print2digits(int number) {
if (number >= 0 && number < 10) {
Download }

Arduino Ide 1.6.5


This guide was written while I was preparing for Arduino tutorial for a group of students.The first part of the guide should work for any general Arduino installation on computers without admin access.These have been tried on Windows 7, 8 and 10.The later part of the guide covers how to add Sparkfun Inventor's Kit code libraries as an example.You can add other libraries by replacing the SIK code library to your own.


Installing Arduino

  1. Go to Arduino website

  2. Go to Download tab

  3. Select Windows - ZIP file for non admin install

  4. Select Just Download

  5. Download should start for file

  6. Once the download is complete, extract the files in the directory such as Documents or similar.

  7. There should be a folder called arduino-1.6.9. Open it.

  8. You should be able to find arduino.exe file. Double-click to run.


  1. Error message pops up 'This application was configured to use a bundled Java Runtime Environment but the runtime is missing or corrupted.'

Solution #1

  • Use programs like 7zip or other similar program to extract the zip file.
  • When I used default Windows 'extract all' it didn't create half the folders which included java.

Solution #2

  • Try downloading the Hourly Builds (Under the box that says Arduino 1.6.9 on Downloads page)
  • Select Windows and it should start downloading.
  • Once download is complete, extract the files
  • Try running the arduino.exe file now.
  1. Security warning pops up and requires Admin access to allow it.Depending on how the computer is setup, it might block Java runtime.Unfortunately in this case you'll need to talk to the IT department or people who are managing the computer system to allow access. I haven't found a bypass yet.

Install FTDI Drivers

  1. Plug in the USB cable to the RedBoard and computer.
  2. When I plug in I get an error message 'Device driver software was not successfully installed'. It shows FT231X USB UART in the list and the message next to it says 'No driver found'
  3. This is because you have not installed FTDI drivers.
  4. Go to How to Install FTDI Drivers page on Sparkfun. (
  5. It will explain what it is and why you need it. Important part is the link to download the driver which is this link.
  6. It's about 2MB. Click OK to download it.
  7. When the download is complete, run it.
  8. Installer with a title FTDI CDM Drivers should pop up. Follow through instructions.
  9. Once the installation is complete, the LED on board blinks and the system tray message pops up to notify that the driver is installed. Yay!

I had a small issue while running the FTDI CDM Drivers installer.After clicking Extract button I get a cryptic error message that says 'The requested operation requires elevation.' What??I tried running it again and this time it shows User Access Control message.I guess the previous error was due to permission error. It was all happy second time.

Arduino 1.6.9

Run Blink

FYI - I'm using RedBoard that's part of Sparkfun Inventor's Kit v3.2

Arduino 1.6.8 Download

  1. Open Arduino and click on Tools.
  2. Go to Board and select the correct board type that you're using. Mine is Board:Arduino/Genuino Uno
  3. Go to Port and select the correct COM port.
  4. Open an example sketch
  • File > Examples > 01.Basics > Blink
  1. Click Upload (round arrow button at the top)
  2. The status message at the bottom should show 'Done uploading.' if successful.
  3. You should see a blue LED blinking on the board.

Run Serial

To check that serial is set up properly, try running the serial example.

  1. Open example sketch
  • File > Examples > 01.Basics > AnalogReadSerial

Arduino 1.6.9 Update

  1. Click upload.
  2. Open serial monitor
  • Tools > Serial Monitor
  1. The serial monitor should pop up and rows of numbers should display.

Install SIK Code Library

This is only applicable if you have a RedBoard and want to use the SIK Code Library.

  1. Go to SIK product page and click on SIK Code Library link.
  2. Or if you just want to download the code library here is the link
  3. Once it's downloaded, extract it to
  • (directory to arduino)/arduino-1.6.9/examples
  • Once extracted, it should show ../arduino-1.6.9/examples/SIK_Guide_Code_32
  1. Restart Arduino
  2. Go to Files > Examples and you should be able to see SIK_Guide_Code_32