How To Copy Email Addresses From Excel Into Outlook For Mac

How to copy email addresses from excel to outlook

  1. In Outlook when you send an email the address is remembered and added to an ‘auto-complete’ list. The next time you type the email address into the ‘to’ field (as well as cc and bcc) – the auto-complete list appears, allowing you to select from the list instead of completely writing the address.
  2. Microsoft Outlook can take information from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet containing a list of email addresses and transfer the data to the virtual address book. To import an Excel spreadsheet to Outlook, you must convert the spreadsheet to the comma-separated values file format.
  3. When needing to convert a column of email addresses in Excel to a usable list in Outlook. Notes: These instructions work for both PC and Mac computers, Using Outlook or Outlook Web Access. The email addresses must be complete ( and listed in a single Excel column to use these instructions successfully.
How To Copy Email Addresses From Excel Into Outlook For Mac

Before outlook, I was able to highlight a column of emails in excel and copy and paste them into a hotmail email for distribution of a message to my list members. Now it only pastes the first name in my list column and will not paste the entire list of 20 names into an address (bc) as a copy to or a blind copy. Open Excel and paste the email addresses into the A column Click on the B column and add this text into the excel formula bar: =A1&',' Double click the small dot in the bottom corner of the B cell. Your email addresses will now all move over with commas – which is how Mac Mail formats and validates email addresses when you add them.

To export customer information from QuickBooks to Excel or Outlook:

  1. Choose Customers > Customer Center.
  2. Click the Related drop-down arrow on the upper-right of the screen.
  3. Click Customer Contact List.
  4. Click Excel or CSV file. A dialog box should appear.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Enter a name for the file, and note where your report is about to be saved. You will need this information to later access it.
How To Copy Email Addresses From Excel Into Outlook For MacOutlookCopy

To export vendor information from QuickBooks to Excel or Outlook:

  1. Choose Vendors > Vendor Center.
  2. Click the Related drop-down arrow on the upper-right of the screen.
  3. Click Vendor Contact List.
  4. Click Excel or CSV File. A dialog box should appear.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Enter a name for the file, and note where your report is about to be saved. You will need this information to later access it.

How Do You Copy Email Addresses From Excel To Outlook

Another method would be to export Billing Manager Contacts to a CSV file

You can export your Billing Manager contacts to a comma-separated values (CSV) file. Just go to My Address Book, and then click Export Your Contacts and follow the onscreen instructions.

How To Copy Email Address From Excel To Outlook